Monkey Brothers Super Happy Fun Time D.A.F. Set (Drunk as fuck set)

Added on Feb 2, 2013

Ok sooooooo heres me and Dj Mugz's D.A.F. Set as the Monkey Brothers If you are wondering what D.A.F. is, its Drunk As Fuck Set. Soooo please bear with us on this journey of drunkess. Theres ups and downs, lefts and rights, even some loopdiploops.Ok so first, this is UNEDITED, im too lazy to edit anything and its a D.A.F. set so there will be no edits of this, im uploading WHAT I RECORDED FROM THE NIGHT. Now for the fun part, at the end if your wondering why theres no sound but still going well its cause we where asked for an ENCORE, yes, this has never happend to us or even just me (woblz) soooooooo after a chant of a min or two, i looked at the bartender and he gave us 5 minutes.....yeah, took advantage of that. Sooooo i hope you enjoy this D.A.F. Set and visualize what we where doing during it.

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