One Last Thyme

Added on Apr 1, 2019

The live recording from Thyme Zone Production's final event at Thymeless!!
"One Last Thyme" the closing event for Thymeless March 27th 2019
8 Djs. 6 30min sets & 2 45min closing sets. The recording started a few minutes late so 26mins is the end of the first set. Dj line-up in order as follows:
Hakan Loob (0:00 - 26:02)
Tremors (26:02 - 55:30)
Taberman (55:30 - 1:25:30)
CDJs being changed 1:25:30 - 1:26:00
Double Negative (1:26:00 - 1:55:18)
Selectra (1:55:18 - 2:26:11)
Shank (2:26:11 - 2:53:53)
Dj Slide (2:53:53 - 3:37:00)
Prestin3 (3:37:00 - 4:28:10)

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235 320Kbps cbr 269:04 615.83 MB
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