Dubplate.fm @ Bass Coast 2014

Set amidst the beautiful interior of BC Bass Coast operating in its 6th year showcases emerging talent, local bc standouts and established veterans. You'd be hard pressed to find another festival in Canada that pushes breakout acts like Bass Coast. Often called a boutique festival, Bass Coast is similar to a well curated art gallery that lines its walls with paintings by obscure artists you've never heard of but you now love.

Boasting a family vibe and strong ties to the Electronic Music community in BC Bass Coast runs ahead of emerging trends. Run by the Bass Coast Girls, Andrea and Liz are talented individuals who take pride in being on top of what will be hot. Unlike most music festival curators Bass Coast does not pander to the norm to inflate their sales. You will not hear the latest EDM anthem (unless its an ironic remix) or bro'd out banger. More likely, you will discover artists you didn't know existed but blew your mind. Sonic textures, sub-bass frequencies and melodic soundscapes create a musical canvas as vast and diverse as the landscape where the festival takes place.

To illustrate how timely events take place at Bass Coast consider the following. It was the breakout summer of "Harlem Shake", Bauer's mega hit, and the term Trap was clawing its way out the ghetto. Enter MachineDrum who took to the Slay Bay stage and began his set with "Funeral Trap" declaring the death of Trap.

This summed up an emerging feeling towards a new genre that had barely reached the tip of its current crossover into the mainstream.

I could not contain myself as to how impressed I was with how a song could provide so much commentary on a topic that was being discussed throughout the festival without it containing more than just the word Trap.

Bass Coast returns this year and who knows what the hidden genre of the moment could be. But whether or not you pick up on the hints the dj's provide, you will be impressed with the music selection. Here the dj's and performers are given free rein to explore their range. The general mindset of a Bass Coast attendee is that of openness and curiosity. So throw away your cookie cutter and just hand roll those tasty treats because this year is one hell of a musical lesson in bass music.

Dubplate.fm is proud to have access to a few artists this year to chat with them about their careers and predictions for the future of bass music.

Dubplate strongly suggests you make it out for this amazing experience not just for the music but for the incredible community that you can be a part of. Whether or not you believe in the transformational festival experience this could be yours.

Pick up your tickets and info here

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